Do you often wonder why you are the way you are?
Are you confused about how to make good decisions in your life?
And would you have liked to get an instruction manual for yourself at your birth?
What if there was such an instruction manual for you? A tool that shows you what abilities and energies you have been endowed with so that you can fulfill your life's purpose?
And here it comes... such a system exists and it's called HUMAN DESIGN.
Human Design Reading
Ausführliche Besprechung deines individuellen Human Design Charts
+ your personal Human Design Chart
+ Video-Aufzeichnung mit Erklärung von Energie-Typen, Ursprung des Human Design Systems, Strategie, Autorität, definierte und undefinierte Center
+ Video-Aufzeichnung mit deinem persönlichen Reading, Deep-Dive in deine definierten Kanäle, dein Profil, deine Circuits und dein Inkarnationskreuz
+ Hands-on tips on how to live your design
+ Zoom-Call von 20 Minuten für Fragen zu deinem Reading und Chart
einmalig 249 Fr.
Human Design Testimonials
Human Design Online-Workshop
+ Video-Aufzeichnung von 90 min
+ Du erfährst, woher das Human Design System kommt und wieso es wichtig für dich ist
+ Du weisst nach dem Workshop, welcher Energie-Typ du bist, wie dich dein Energie-Typ beeinflusst und wie du nur durch deine Aura, die Dinge manifestierst, die du willst
+ Du verstehst anhand deiner Strategie, wie du in Zukunft Entscheidungen triffst, die richtig für dich sind
+ Dir wird klar, wie du deine innere Stimme (Autorität) wahrnehmen kannst und dir dadurch vieles einfacher fallen wird
+ Du wirst dir bewusst, mit welcher Energie du hierher gekommen bist und erkennst, wie du deine definierten und undefinierten Energie-Center am besten für dich nutzt
einmalig 39 Fr.
Human Design Mentoring
Do you want to go deeper after your Human Design Reading and understand yourself and your energy better?
Do you want to work on your deconditioning and say goodbye to patterns and behaviors that don't belong to you?
Then Human Design Mentoring is just right for you!
This happens in the Human Design Mentoring:
– You will learn how to feel your intuition and use it to make the right decisions for you
– You will learn mental, energetic and spiritual tools and exercises that will help you gradually throw off old patterns.
– You uncover your negative beliefs and transform them.
– Together we reflect on everyday situations& your reactions to it and find ways how you can classify these experiences better.
Human Design Mentoring
+ 9 sessions of 75 minutes each
+ jede Woche eine Session
+ WhatsApp Support
+ via Zoom or WhatsApp
+ Deconditioning of each individual energy center
+ Learning mental exercises that you apply practically
+ Personal support over 3 months
What ist Human Design?
Human Design is a channeled system that tells us with what kind of energetic aura we came into this world and how to use it in the most powerful way. A man named Ra Uru Hu brought it into the world in 1987 and more and more people are discovering it nowadays.
The Human Design System shows us how to best to make decisions and how to navigate best through this world with our individual energy.
Human Design combines the following ancient wisdoms into one system:
- Astrology
- Kabbalah
- Chakra-System
- I-Ching
- and quantum mechanics
For me, however, the Human Design System is a tool that helps me to recognize and accept myself. It allows me to experiment with my energy and to explore my character.
Do you want to get to know yourself better and learn how to best navigate through this life?
Now then you are welcome to request a Human Design personality analysis from me! book a Basic Human Design Reading with me.
If you feel after your Human Design personality reading, that you would like to work with me on your deconditioning process, you are welcome to come to me for 1:1 Human Design Mentoring.
In the Human Design Coaching we go deeper into your open centers, we work on your limiting beliefs and I show you mental techniques that you can immediately apply and integrate into your everyday life.
The Human Design System is a tool with which you may experiment. Knowing your design and what it means is one thing, but you won't understand your own energy until you experiment with your strategy and authority. I support you in your process. :)